Selasa, 20 Desember 2016

speech text


Assalammualaikum wr wb
    Hello ladies and gantleman on this occasion i will tell you about “ forest fires in the peatland” first let me introduce myselft, my name is widia watie, majoring of soil science foculty of agriculture universitas tanjungpura.
Ladies and gantleman forest fire are regular occurance. In the region including West kalimantan. Forest fires caused by two things, first because of natural and second because human made.
    Forest fires due to naturalis caused sticks rubbing together and than make peatland there burned. Peat soil is soil formed from wood chips.
    Forest fire by human eror coused first by dispose of used cigarette carelessly, second playing with fire in daylight,and worse burning forest to open agricultural land.
    We should realize that the forest is very influential for our lives, many negative impacts of burning forest, it’s first loss and damage wildlife habitat, second increase in the greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change, third cost the state economically, and last health problems in humans .
    Forest fires in peatlands the become an extraordinary tragedy for the Indonesian nation is genesis should we interpret to review always raise our concerns to the environment.
So ladies and gantleman i hope you dont do things that cuse forest fires, and attempt was to keep our forest together.
Ladies and gantleman
That all speech i can deliver, ideally what i have said is gainful for us i am so sorry if i had amistake thank you for your nice attention.
Wassalammualaikum wr wb

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